The opening of the Scout Oath includes the words, “I will do my best …”. As all of our daily routines will change over the next few weeks, we need to look for opportunities to connect in new ways and maintain our community. Therefore, I will maintain our weekly emails and share ideas for “virtual” Troop, Patrol, and individual Scouting activities. Try some of these during our usual Monday at 7:00 pm meeting time, or other times as your schedule allows.
Scout Skills:
Grab a piece of rope. Learn two knots this week … so you can tie them with your eyes closed! This week, are two of my favorites (with a nod to our Philmont Crews):
Taut-Line Hitch (4:35)
Two Half Hitches (3:55)
If you need a piece of rope to work with, please let me know. I will be happy to drop some off at your home.
Advancement | Life Scouts:
You’ve been waiting to do your planning for your Eagle Scout project. NOW is the time to do some research, email potential beneficiaries, and work on your idea. If you’ve already found an idea, please review your thinking with Mr. Wulke, our Eagle Mentor, ( refine it, and start to get ready to present it to the Troop Committee for approval. Resources and forms needed are on our Troop website here.
Finally, if you’ve finished your project … NOW is the time to do your paperwork, finish the workbook, and work on your Eagle Binder. Mr. Wulke is available for questions and to review. If you spent our Troop Meeting time over the next 3-4 weeks on your paperwork for Eagle, you WILL GET IT DONE!
Advancement | All Scouts:
Many of you will be moving to some form of “school from home” or “online instruction”. So, as you experience these new forms of learning, start working on a Merit Badge related to your school activities. Here’s two that you can work on through the normal course of your schoolwork:
In addition, many of your will have some extra time with the cancellation/suspension of many extracurricular activities. This is perfect time to explore a few current, or new, hobbies or passions you might have. Here’s two to get you thinking:
Finally, it is very likely that we will have more time at home, with our families. There are things that we are doing to “be prepared”. Consider working on the projects and extended time-line requirements of these Eagle Required Merit Badges:
Family Life
Emergency Preparedness
As you can see, there are quite a few things we can do together to maintain our Troop community.
Another example I’ve heard talked about is a “virtual” Patrol Meeting through Google Hangout. Patrol Leaders, if you are thinking of this, please let Jack and me know so that we can add this activity to your TroopMaster records for Troop/Patrol participation.
Also, we could find a way to do some “virtual” skills through Google Hangout, Instagram Live, or some other platform. We’ll explore this idea a bit more over the next week.
Finally, as you start the week, please remember one element of our Scout Law this week … “A Scout is Kind”. If we remember to start from a place of kindness, we will help our communities through the challenges of the next few weeks.