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Welcome Webelos Scouts to Troop 502!


If you are a Webelos scout (or parent of a Webelos scout) and are

deciding what Boy Scout troop to join, we host â€‹several events each

year so you can meet our scouts, our youth leaders and our adult

leaders.  We host events just for Webelos scouts to meet our 
Troop scouts and leaders.


There are many fine troops in our area, and we want you to find the troop that will be the best fit for you.  As one of the largest Boy Scout programs in the area (over 100+ scouts) we have been a part of the La Canada community for over 75 years and offer a scout led program based on the patrol method as conceived by Lord Baden-Powell over 100 years ago.  Our troop adheres to the motto, "Never do anything for a scout that he can do for himself."  The purpose of Boy Scouting is the same as it is for Cub Scouts: to help boys grow into good citizens who are strong in character and personally fit. But because they're older, Boy Scouts have a program with more and bigger challenges. Our scouts are active participants in monthly camping, hiking, backpacking, and aquatic outings.  The troop has two summer camps annually as well as a trip to a BSA High Adventure Base every other year.  In addition to these outings, our scouts have opportunities to earn a wide variety of merit badges, perform meaningful service projects within the community, and to gain important experience by serving in leadership positions within the troop.  


We understand that scouts will have other opportunities, activities and events, particularly in their high school years. Every scout is encouraged to advance in their ranks at the pace that is appropriate for their individual situation. Every scout has the opportunity to progress and advance through the ranks at his chosen pace.


Our scouts range from the fifth grade up to senior year in high school.  The scouts who make up the troop come from different schools and represent many different nationalities, backgrounds and religious beliefs.  Our scouts come from nearly every Cub Scout pack in the foothill area.


If you are a Webelos scout or parent of a Webelos scout and would like more information about our Troop or would like to visit a Troop event, please contact one of our leaders to arrange a visit to one of our Troop meetings throughout the year.  Membership in Troop 502 is open to any boy who is at least 11 years-old or who has completed the fifth grade, or is at least 10 years old and has earned the Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award, but is not yet 18 years-old.  Previous membership in the Cub Scouts is not required if at least 11 years old.  (Webelos should come to any Troop event in their regular Cub Scout uniform.)

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